Pleasure and Endurance

Pleasure Driving, including Endurance and Historical
Carriage pleasure driving is a delightful and leisurely equestrian activity that celebrates the art of driving horse-drawn carriages for sheer enjoyment and relaxation. Participants in this discipline focus on the unhurried exploration of scenic landscapes, tranquil countryside, or even urban settings, all while seated comfortably in a meticulously designed carriage. A pleasure drive can be a drive down a country lane, rail trails, a picnic, or a campfire shared with like-minded company held one day, a weekend or even for a week in public reserves or private property.
Other activities that you can enjoy under the Pleasure driving banner include navigation drives, endurance driving and good old-fashioned fun days where club members get together for a great social event.
You can also participate in competitive Park Drives, allowing you to dress up and enjoy beautiful venues at a social outing. These can be described as a “Show on the Move”. They are usually held in scenic surrounds such as Botanical Gardens or historic parks and gardens.
Carriage pleasure driving provides a connection to history, as it harkens back to the days when horse-drawn carriages were a standard mode of transportation. It allows participants to experience a slower pace of life and appreciate the natural beauty of their surroundings while sharing the experience with others. This serene and unhurried equestrian pursuit offers a unique blend of tradition, relaxation, and appreciation for the partnership between humans and horses.
In essence, Pleasure driving offers a tranquil and nostalgic experience that reconnects people with nature, history, and the intrinsic bond between humans and horses. It’s an activity that celebrates the art of leisurely travel and the joy of unhurried exploration.

Tranquil Escapes
Pleasure driving allows participants to escape the hustle and bustle of modern life and immerse themselves in the serenity of the outdoors. It offers a chance to enjoy nature and scenic landscapes at a leisurely pace.

Relaxed Pace
Unlike competitive equestrian disciplines, Pleasure driving is not focused on speed or precision. It encourages a slow and leisurely pace that allows participants to savour the journey and experience their surroundings.

Inclusive for All
Pleasure driving is open to many individuals, regardless of their riding or driving experience. It’s a wonderful way for beginners to engage with horses and experience the joy of carriage travel.

Social Gatherings
Clubs often organise Pleasure-driving events and social gatherings, picnics, and outings where enthusiasts can come together, share stories, and enjoy the company of like-minded individuals.
The highest expression of horse training
Some Pleasure and Endurance events through the first half of 2024 include:
Enduro and Pleasure Drive at Ardlethan
Social drive near Tamworth
Pleasure drive over Easter in Gulgong
June Long Weekend in Temora
See the Events Page for other events
The NSW Branch of the Australian Carriage Driving Society has 17 clubs located throughout NSW.
Once you become a member of an ACDS affiliated club, you may participate in the activities of any other affiliated club.